Ultrasound Scanning
The application of sound waves to generate images of the underlying tissues has been used within medicine since the 1970’s. With technological advancement and cost reductions, ultrasound imagery is offering huge benefits to Physiotherapists as it can deliver diagnostic value to a musculoskeletal assessment immediately.
Bodysym can offer a Point of Care Ultrasound scan (POCUS) alongside and in addition to the Physiotherapy assessment when further diagnostic scrutiny is needed. In most cases this may not be necessary as our fully trained Physiotherapists are well equipped with hands-on skills that establish the nature of most musculoskeletal injuries, however there are times that the ultrasound can provide additional information that aids the clinician and directs treatment in a different way.
The ultrasound scanner can help differentiate between inflamed tendons and those that have tears or calcifications. It can be used to measure the size and dimensions of lesions which may or may not help determine the suitability of certain types of treatment or help decision making on whether to refer on to other specialists
Matt undertook his Post graduate certificate in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound through the Sports Medicine Ultrasound Group (SMUG) affiliated to UCL in 2023. He undertakes Ultrasound scanning for musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries both in the NHS and at Bodysym clinic.
Call 01843 590067 or email us to book an appointment today.
Our Clinic
• Physiotherapy
• Chiropody
• Podiatry / Biomechanics
• Sports Injury Rehabilitation
• Sports performance evaluation
• Massage
What our clients say…
Fantastic treatment today from Craig!! Cannot thank him enough for getting me patched up and moving easier, especially when I do insist on getting back on stage tonight! You are my superstar! 5 stars!!
K Wilshaw- Westgate
Matt is brilliant. After ACL reconstruction he is such a positive influence on my physical journey to recovery. Highly recommended.
Very good service. Polite, courteous and efficient.
Paul – Ramsgate
The quality of the specialist expertise of the physiotherapist in the practice is simply outstanding – by far the best in terms of effective treatment I have ever experienced.
C Corfield – Whitstable
Took my 12yr old son to see Craig today. Brilliant! amazing Physio but more importantly great at talking to kids. Highly recommended. My son now wants to be a sports Physio and Parkour coach. Life goals sorted!
Sandra- Margate
Been to see Matt twice now and his knowledge is second to none.
Friendly staff too. Yes I would recommend this place.Clare – Ramsgate
Professional clinic and skilled physiotherapists helped me manage my ongoing pain.
Hannah – Ramsgate
Excellent service highly recommended for post operative physio
5 stars!!Lisa – Ramsgate